Friday, August 28, 2009

This is Baby J at 4 months old. He is so cute! He has a big personality in such a tiny little body. I am very excited to watch him grow. Here are a few images from our session.

Loved his outfit, I had to share this photo!

His eyes just pop in this photo, I love it!
A big thank you to Annie and Jesse for bringing him to Diamond Photography!

Have a great Day!


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hello Internet!

I am a very proud first time blogger. Hopefully this blog will show you who I am as a person and photographer. I will gladly take you through my journey of finding my photography nook! For a little flavor, here is my gorgeous daughter, Bralynne!

Jon really dislikes her boots, but momma knows best ...they are fabulous!

Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by!
