Friday, March 12, 2010

Some Love & No Love goes to....

Love goes out to A clean car...ish! 30 minutes and 2 trash bags later all the trash is out! Don't get me wrong, the non trash is still stacked up! A car that should seat five will seat 2 plus a car seat...that all. I still have some work to do!
Jennifer and Josh! I am very excited about the up coming shoot! Pictures will be posted later this month.
Meeting Photographers. I love what I do. I love getting to talk to other photographers about...everything!
MY NEW HOUSE!!!! Well kinda, we still have to close, but in 30 short days it all ours!
As also, My family! Days off with Bralynne are wonderful and having a husband that is working so hard to provide for us is amazing! Thanks Jon, I am so proud of you.
Of course, I will throw in my newest obsession...the Twilight trilogy. Ok, I know I'm not 16 again, but go team Jacob!

No Love goes to No nap...Gosh I love my girl, but GO TO SLEEP ALREADY!
Closing, why does this process take so stinkin' long! I just want my house already!
Packing and moving. I am already dreading it. I am accepting applications. A free session for a day of packing, moving and unpacking...any takers?

And because a picture is worth a thousand words:

This is the sweetest face ever!


Monday, March 1, 2010

Operation Flamingo

Luck, Choice and Blessings

Luck is finding a $5.00 dollar bill in your pocket. Running into an old friend on a bad day. Finding the PERFECT sweater on sale. Hitting every green light on your way to work.

Choice is reacting to what happens. What you do…because you can. Your friends, enemies and all the people in between. What you do today, tomorrow and the next day.

Blessings are the things that you can’t help or change. Family, who you love and your talents.
One of my biggest blessings in life is my dad. I have always seen my dad as more then a parent. I have been blessed to have an understanding, loving and fun father. I hope that someday my daughter will grow up and look up to me in the same way that I look up to him. In honor of a very big day in his life…Operation Flamingo!
Saturday started off like many other days. I woke up and played with Bralynne, did some laundry, cooked and cleaned. After Bralynne went to bed for the night, Operation Flamingo commenced! I tucked her in and kissed Jon bye and drove to the booming metropolis of Mt. Vernon to wait for my partner in crime to get home from work. At which time it took 2.5 hours to put 140 legs on 70 pink flamingos. Then at 2:30am, protected by the darkness of night we put 70 flamingo’s and a Giant Monkey in his yard!

To spread some of the fun…
There was a near miss fire in the bathroom while lighting the 70 candles! 
To Add insult to injury...a welding mask to protect her face from the flames! It only took him like 7 tries to blow out all the candles.
I love you dad!  I hope that you had a wonderful day!   Just try and guess what we are going to do for your 18th birthday!  :) 
His actual birthday is Febuary 29th, a leap year baby.

A little of me, to you!