Friday, September 10, 2010

Well, Hello There! Long time NO Post!

There are a thousand reasons that I haven't posted...none of them are reason enough to neglect part of me, my business and my amazing clients.   So to catch up (total understatement) I will simply post a few of my faves from the past months.  

These are just a few from a  few sessions.   There is no way that I could post photos from all sessions.  

There has been a few wonderful things happening with Diamond Photography in 2010.   I have been in my new studio since May.  It is in my home and the best part about it that I have storage and a lot more space!   

I have gotten to meet some amazing couples and families that I have truly enjoyed working with.  
Invitations by Diamond is growing.  I have done numerous party invitations and thank you cards.  I am still waiting to do Wedding Initiations.

The Diamond Photography team is growing!  I have a few key people that are helping me keep up with everything.    Hopefully soon I will need a few more people! :0)   

I also want to thank all my fabulous clients friends past, present and future (and may be a little help from my amazing hubs) for making full time photography possible.   Not only do I have more time for my passion, I also get to spend so much more time with my little girl.

A little of me, to you!