Friday, March 12, 2010

Some Love & No Love goes to....

Love goes out to A clean car...ish! 30 minutes and 2 trash bags later all the trash is out! Don't get me wrong, the non trash is still stacked up! A car that should seat five will seat 2 plus a car seat...that all. I still have some work to do!
Jennifer and Josh! I am very excited about the up coming shoot! Pictures will be posted later this month.
Meeting Photographers. I love what I do. I love getting to talk to other photographers about...everything!
MY NEW HOUSE!!!! Well kinda, we still have to close, but in 30 short days it all ours!
As also, My family! Days off with Bralynne are wonderful and having a husband that is working so hard to provide for us is amazing! Thanks Jon, I am so proud of you.
Of course, I will throw in my newest obsession...the Twilight trilogy. Ok, I know I'm not 16 again, but go team Jacob!

No Love goes to No nap...Gosh I love my girl, but GO TO SLEEP ALREADY!
Closing, why does this process take so stinkin' long! I just want my house already!
Packing and moving. I am already dreading it. I am accepting applications. A free session for a day of packing, moving and unpacking...any takers?

And because a picture is worth a thousand words:

This is the sweetest face ever!


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